Story to the Intro scene of Private Forest

Private Forest (Intro)  


In the mid 21st Century a Private Organization builds a forest. This Organization’s goal was to multiply the animals that are about to extinct. They built a Research Centre nowhere in the middle of the forest. On a successful day, they got good results. Although there are side effects to their skin or hair, there were no side effects mentally. On one day they let the animals roam freely around the forest and guards are monitoring them in case of abnormalities. The Organization got many titles and awards for the protection of wildlife that is about to extinct.  

The Organization and employees are living happily ever after since then, until one day............. They have seen an abnormality among the recent testing. But they ignored them and sent a normal message that they need help to the Professor (Code-named. creed) who is responsible for creating a serum. That ignorance cost their life that night when the abnormal animals found a way to break through their cages and started killing and infecting all around them. 

The next morning professor came to the forest and had a little talk with the guard at the gate. Then later he enters the forest. While he was nearing the research Centre, he heard strange noises. He went there to check what is going on. He was shocked at what he saw at that moment. A man who appeared to be infected eating another man. Then he suddenly heard a creepy voice behind him. He saw an infected Gazelle nearing him. He ran as fast as he could to the secret basement known only to him,  he thought it was the only safest area all around the forest. He entered the entrance to the basement and closed the door as fast as he can. Behind the door, he heard many creepy noises waiting for him to come out and eat raw. 

This basement was originally built for military purposes and got a lot of equipment that could be useful. He started to think of ways to save unaffected animals and guards without going out. Then he invented (Made) the unmanned vehicle and visual controller. 


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